Hinckley Used Auto Parts and Junkyard Services

Find Used Car Parts at City Auto Wreckers

The Hinckley used auto parts junkyard in Dekalb County area has trusted in City auto for more than 30 years for recycled cars, junk yard services, and used auto parts.

Our family owned car business provides prime used auto parts to Hinckley residents. We provide both domestic and foreign car parts at a low cost. Why pay full price for new auto parts when you can get the part you need used for a more reasonable price? We provide auto parts look up and search pages to make sure you can find the specific part you need for your vehicle.

Hinckley Junk Yard

For used cars and auto parts in the Hinckley area, come by our junk yard, and speak with one of our auto restoration specialists. We are happy to help make sure you find the auto parts you need to refurbish your vehicle at an affordable price.

Hinckley Junk Your Car

Looking to discard your old car? City Auto provides environmentally friendly car recycling services to the Hinckley area. We will also buy used junk cars and provide free pickup.

We believe recycling is important at City Auto, and highly value used car parts. If you are looking for car recycling and auto parts near Hinckley, call us today at (630) 898-2900.